Angular JS Vs. Angular 2 Vs. Angular 4: differences you need to know

Skill Safari
5 min readJul 31, 2020
Angular js

As the technologies changes and need for more requirements on the internet, developers started evolving their software in a rapid speed building better to better versions on the web. Unlike other open-source projects, Angular is considered to be one of the most preferred JavaScript frameworks. Google developed this Angular in 2009 and launched its revised version 1.0 in 2012. You can find enthusiastic support and widespread adoption among both enterprises and individuals in the world of open-source JavaScripts frameworks.

Angular frameworks have eliminated unnecessary code and have gained huge traction over the years by ensuring lighter and faster apps.

Knowing its potential benefits and requirements Angular started evolving its framework from Angular JS version 1.0, Angular version 2.0, Angular version 4.0 to Angular version 10.0 which is released at present on Jun24,2020. Developers are migrating to the latest versions due to the functionality and features available in it. In this blog from SkillSafari, we have explained to you the differences between the first three Angular versions I.e.Angular JS vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4, using its top trending features. Readout and get to know the differences.

What is Angular JS?

Angular Js is a front-end web application framework for a dynamic web application. It was launched in the year 2009 to handle the downfall of HTML and also to take ideas and best practices of the libraries. It is managed by Google and is open-source which means it is open for contributions by developers around the globe. You can find a lot of materials online for free, to learn this technology. It’s data binding and dependency injection helps you reduce the length of the code.

Here are top trending features that make us learn Angular JS

Data binding — There is no need to write separate code for data binding. You can just do it by adding some snippets of code from HTML control to application data.

Architecture — It is built using MVC architecture that allows managing of applications in a very fluent manner.

No many browser constraints — Runs and supports on all major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE8, Android excluding Internet Explorer 8.0, and ios based phones/tablets.

Code Less — Filters in Angular helps programmer to perform more functionalities with the same code. So, no need to write large codes.

Speed and Performance — Angular is speed and performs faster because of Code Generation, Universal, and Code Splitting.

Dependency Injection — This built-in injection helps to develop the application easily and it is easy to understand, easy to test, provides instance whenever Angular JS needs a service.

Routing- Helps to switch between different pages of the application without reloading.

Productivity — you can create a simple and powerful template. The Angular CLI helps to build an application very fast and adds components, tests it, and then deploy it instantly. IDE in it finds instant errors and provides feedbacks too.

What is Angular 2?

Angular 2 was released after Angular JS in the year 2015 which is built on ‘Typescript’. This Typescript is an open-source language managed by Microsoft, Where it is completely different from Angular JS. This version mainly focused on the development of mobile applications, as it allowed developers to create cross-platform applications.

Top trending features of Angular 2

Performance — The dynamic loading features helps in reducing the load time of the application and improved the performance.

Mobile Development — Helps to develop responsive mobile applications.

Routing- Angular 2 has improved routing service because of the inbuilt features like location service and navigational model.

Cross-platform- Angular 2 framework can be equally used for web, mobile, and desktop applications.

Dynamic Loading- It allows programmers to add new directives or controls on the fly.

Child Injectors- have the capacity to override their parent at the child level where objects could be called out and mechanically override in a variety of scope.

Dynamic loading — Allows programmers to add new directories and control on the fly.

Browser support- Supports all modern browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.

What is Angular 4?

Angular 4 is the next version of Angular 2 and was released in the year 2017. It was completely a rewritten version of Angular JS. Few minor changes and new features are added when compared to Angular 2. It also supports Typescript that compiles to JavaScript and displays the same in the browser.

Top trending features of Angular 4

Smaller and Faster- The programs of angular 4 consume less space and runs faster than the previous versions.

View Engine- The AOT compiled templates are substantially smaller, reduce the load time, increases the overall page speed by reducing the code size at an average of 60 percent.

Animation Package- Gave separate animation packages. You can add it to the main NgModule by importing the browser animation module from @angular/platform-browser/animations.

Supports If/Else syntax- Now you can utilize “conditional rendering” of if/else design syntax. This can be done by *ngIf and *ngFor.

Enhanced Typescript 2.1 and 2.2- Angular is updated into its most recent version of Typescript 2.1 and 2.2 which will enhance the rate of NGC and helps you receive far better type checking while doing your program.

Source maps for Templates- They give meaningful context through source maps for the errors caused in any of the templates.


Whatever the new versions, each version of Angular has its significant benefits. Angular JS is widely used initially, to be up-to-date with technology developers migrate to a newer version of Angular 2, Angular 4, and so on. Now updated Angggular features are mostly used in cross platforms, mobile development which is an eternal field with more job opportunities. Initially, it will be a bit confusing for those who are still in the learning phase. When you are familiar with one version of Angular, switching to other versions will be quite easier. And sure we can expect powerful features and powerful job roles too. You will find it easy when you learn Angular with SkillSafari. That too when it was with job roles it will be much interesting, Contact now to know more.

